Day 4 Breakfast in the making

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I know I said that I always eat the same thing but I thought I would go out on a limb today and make something different. I’m not sure where I found this recipe but I have made it in the past. It is eggs, coconut milk, cinnamon & blueberries cooked in coconut oil. Then a dollup of coconut butter when it’s done. mmmm good! Very filling too.

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The finished product. It doesn’t look as pretty after I cram it into my “to go” container. 🙂 I added a side of sautéed kale/spinach and a little pulled pork. This is a bigger breakfast than I usually eat but for some reason I was extra hungry this morning and if I don’t eat it all, it will be perfect snack material.

Woke with a  slight headache but it was gone soon after I was up.

I have to say that when my sister in-law suggested that I blog my Whole30 experience, I was a little apprehensive. I don’t write very well and I’m not very imaginative with my meals. But I love this.

I am so passionate about the Paleo way of life and this way I can get on my “soap box” without people rolling their eyes and saying “here she goes again”. Granted you may still roll your eyes and think “there she goes again” but you can always stop reading and I never know!! How great is that?!

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